
APA-1000 Sorbent Packet Dispenser

Source: Multisorb Technologies

The Multisorb APA-1000 is the dispenser component of the StripPax® and StabilOx® Systems and is compatible with virtually all packaging lines.

The Multisorb APA-1000 is the dispenser component of the StripPax® and StabilOx® Systems. Multisorb’s systems approach combines the proven performance of our spooled sorbent packets with the proven reliability of our APA-1000 sorbent packet dispenser. The APA-1000 is custom manufactured and works exclusively with Multisorb’s StripPax® and StabilOx® Packets.

The APA 1000 offers dispensing rates up to 145 packets per minute with Bottle Screw Interface and 80 packets per minute for Bottle Gating Interface. Smart dispensing technology transmits data, such as lot number, manufacture date, and quantity, from the packet spool to dispenser, easily integrating information into your quality system.