05.19.16 -- The Building Blocks Of A Successful Drug Delivery Device

The Building Blocks Of A Successful Drug Delivery Device
By Bill Welch, Chief Technology Officer, Phillips-Medisize

Creating a successful drug delivery device requires the seamless integration of the biological or pharmaceutical regulatory requirements with the device regulatory requirements. There are several factors that need to be considered in order to do this, all while ensuring the patient is kept at the center of the design.

3 Regulatory Guidelines For Navigating China's Drug Delivery And Medical Device Markets
By Winston Brown, VP of Global Quality, Phillips-Medisize

Global spending on healthcare medicines is expected to reach $1.3 trillion by end of year 2018. While many of these medicines may be developed in the traditional dosage forms, companies are increasingly developing more and more drug delivery devices, in order to deliver patient convenience, more effective routes of administration through targeted therapies, and value to the global payors. As the world's second largest medical device market, China offers a significant opportunity for drug delivery companies to expand their global footprint in Asia.

6 Guidelines To Follow When Developing Combination Products
By Winston Brown, VP of Global Quality, Phillips-Medisize

While the development of a combination product comes with significant patient benefits through technology and molecule innovation, that reward can be offset by the range of regulatory complexity and uncertainty encountered with bringing a product to market, in addition to any post-marketing activities.

Keeping The Patient At The Center Of Drug Delivery Devices
By Bill Welch, Chief Technology Officer, Phillips Medisize

Healthcare is increasingly moving out of the hospital and into the home as self-administration of medications becomes more cost-effective. As the population ages, and people live longer with chronic conditions, the need for safe and effective drug delivery devices will continue to increase.

Drug Delivery Device Regulatory And Quality Services

Drug Delivery Device Quality, Without Compromise