News | August 27, 2009

MOCON's New Package Testing Labs Open Door To ‘Try Before You Buy' Purchase Approach For Instruments

MOCON, Inc. has established multiple in-house package testing laboratories (United States, Germany and China) which allow companies to "test drive" instrumentation before they purchase.

MOCON's instruments have established a reputation as the global gold standard for package testing. These new laboratories take that one step further by giving potential purchasers the opportunity to challenge multiple pieces of instrumentation with their testing objectives. (Capabilities include headspace, water vapor, leak rate and hole size determination, burst, creep, seal strength, heal sealing, hot-tack, coefficient of friction, vacuum decay and shelf-life analysis.)

"The primary function of these labs is to provide our clients with a pre-purchase testing environment so they can see first-hand why MOCON instruments offer the best solution to their testing issues. They can then make their purchase with confidence knowing that the instrument they have selected will provide the desired results in their own laboratory environment," said Guy Wray, marketing manager, MOCON.

The tests are conducted by a trained MOCON technician. The customer receives a detailed report showing the number of packages tested, how many samples were taken of each, the package size, the type of instrument used to conduct the test(s) (including the serial number) and the results from each sample.

Included on the report are photographs of the customer's package attached to the instrument while the testing was being conducted. Additionally the technician notes on the report on how best to conduct the testing and their conclusions as to the quality and repeatability of the process.

"More than 50 companies from multiple countries have taken advantage of this option during the few months that the laboratories have been operational. We believe that this service is unique within the package testing industry. The opportunity to ‘try before you buy' establishes that the instrument you are evaluating is the correct solution for your specific situation," Wray said.

During the testing process, MOCON discovered that several companies taking advantage of this service had not established testing parameters for their products. As a result, the company was able to use its expertise to offer suggestions on what should be considered when setting testing criteria.

The MOCON testing lab has instrumentation in place to analyze a broad variety of package types, substrates and components, including: flexible structures, rigid bottles, foil seals, pouches, aseptic boxes, trays and lidstock, etc.

"We view the new laboratories as a natural adjunct to our traditional permeation and flavor, aroma detection/analysis facilities. Just one more way to provide value and instill confidence in our products and services," Wray concludes.

MOCON is a leading provider of instrumentation and consulting and laboratory services to medical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries worldwide. For more information, visit