News | June 23, 2015

Ophir Photonics Announces StarBright: Advanced Laser Power/Energy Meter With Multiple Display Formats

Source: MKS Ophir

June 23, 2015 ­— Munich, Germany ­— Ophir Photonics Group, global leader in precision laser measurement equipment and a Newport Corporation company, today announced at LASER World of PHOTONICS 2015 the StarBright laser power/energy meter, the most advanced of Ophir's family of laser meters. StarBright is a feature-rich, handheld laser power/energy meter that measures power, single shot energy, repetitive energy, frequency, and beam size for the company's wide range of thermal, pyroelectric, and photodiode laser sensors. In addition, it measures irradiance and dosage for the new PD300RM radiometer sensors. When used with Ophir's award-winning BeamTrack power/position/size sensors, the new meter can also monitor laser beam size and track beam position to fractions of a mm.

StarBright features a brightly lit, 320x240 pixel color display with large, 16mm digits for enhanced readability of power and energy measurements, from pW's to kW's and pJ's to hundreds of Joules.

StarBright gives users a choice of display formats: digital with bargraph or analog needle. The digital screen can average measurements over selected periods of time, which is especially useful for unstable lasers. The analog needle display is designed for adjusting and maximizing laser power or energy. StarBright also provides a line graph that tracks measurements over time, as well as an option to show measurement statistics on the same screen as the power/energy display. Mathematical functions are available for advanced processing, including density, scale factor, pass/fail inspection. Every data point can be logged at up to 5000Hz from Ophir's pyroelectric sensors.

StarBright works with StarLab laser measurement software and StarCom data logging software. A LabVIEW® driver and COM object allow developers to integrate laser beam measurements into sophisticated programming environments, such as LabVIEW®, Microsoft's® Visual Basic, and MatLab®

StarBright's brightly lit display allows illumination of the power meter in low light conditions. Like other Ophir smart displays – Nova II, Vega, Juno, and StarLite – StarBright features a "smart connector" interface that automatically configures and calibrates the display when plugged into one of the company's measurement sensors.

A compact, handheld unit, StarBright's design incorporates rubberized bumpers and an optimum angle kickstand. It can be operated from a rechargeable battery or connected to an AC source.

The StarBright power/energy meter will be available Q3 2015. OEM pricing is available on request. StarBright data sheet:

Source: Ophir Photonics