Accumold More Than Doubles Size Of Facility
By Ron Grunsby, Editor
Accumold, a manufacturer of precision micro, small, and lead frame injection-molded plastic components, recently opened a $7 million, 44,000-square-foot expansion that adds 43 employees to its workforce and more than doubles the size of its facility.
The expansion was the result of growing customer demand, the need for expansion in the tool room and engineering center, and the needed capability and future capacity for growth.
As part of the expansion, the company built an additional Class 100,000 clean room and added Class 10,000 capability, typically the type of space that is used for medical and fiber optic work. The facility was 38,000 square feet before the expansion.
"We will now have better space for additional tool makers, project engineers, and quality techs," said Aaron Johnson, marketing manager at Accumold. "This space also allows for a more efficient quality lab and engineering center, and these two departments now have their own consolidated space. With the additional personnel, equipment, and more efficient space come quicker turnarounds and faster responses."
Accumold will be at Photonics West from Jan. 24 to 26 in San Francisco to talk about the expansion and what it means for their customers, discuss their latest offerings and capabilities, and display examples of their micromolding technology. You can visit them at Booth #238.
Diffractive and microsurface structures on plastic are some of the key technologies of growing interest — anything with a microlens on it or that is moving light around in a plastic realm," Johnson said. “We can process any thermal plastic."
Relied on by industries that demand fast turnaround and small, complex parts, Accumold designs, builds, and produces unique molds and parts for microelectronics, automotive, fiber optics, medical, and military/aerospace applications, along with emerging technologies and markets.