White Paper

Understanding The Nuances Of Space-Level Filter Qualification And Screening Of Filters

Screenshot 2022-08-11 103703

Selecting high-quality, high-reliability electronic components is a necessity for meeting the rigorous requirements of space applications. After all, when launching expensive mission-critical equipment and people into space, there is absolutely no room for failure.

To provide a better idea of what is involved in these processes, our latest white paper covers the following topics:

  • Background information on the various standards that may dictate the requirements your components need to meet during space-qualification testing
  • An overview of the many possibilities available to ensure components are space qualified and ready to meet your application needs
  • An example of how to work with your vendors to qualify components for a space program
  • Information on how Knowles Precision Devices can work with customers to perform a variety of space qualification testing in-house

It can be challenging to navigate component selection for aerospace applications as there are many combinations of standards and tests that can be performed to space-qualify parts. Download the white paper to learn more.

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